About Chance of a Graviton Registration
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Published: 10 June 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The problems connected to propagation of a gravitational field are considered. The law of electromagnetic radiation frequency change in gravitational field is shown. The problem of gravitational vacuum is investigated. It is shown that ineradicable vacuum curvature of space-time does not create the forces working on mass bodies. On the basis of use quantum gravitational eikonal the energy of a solitary graviton is found. Refusal from stresses tensor in structure of an energy-impulse tensor has allowed found the quantum form of the energy-impulse tensor in Einstein's equation. It is shown that the solution of the Einstein’s equation for the certain direction in this case represents the sum of a gravitational wave and a graviton. The assumption is made and proved that dark energy of a space represents all set of gravitons in this space. It is shown that at approach of a graviton to the massive bodies (double stars) radiating gravitational waves there is a resonant pumping of the gravitational field energy of these bodies to the gravitons. It enables registration of the gravitons with the help of the detector located near to massive bodies.
Keywords: gravitational eikonal, metric tensor, Einstein's equation, gravitational vacuum, gravitational waves, energy-impulse tensor, dark energy, registration of gravitons.

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How to Cite
Andrey N. Volobuev. (2019-06-10). "About Chance of a Graviton Registration." *Volume 3*, 2, 19-30